heyooowwww... this is gonna be my most unimportant article people! it's 1.40 am here ini Jakarta and my eyes are still wide open! so here it is, the tittle is "me editing my own face" i actually did :D i was bored, i finished up my assignments, 3 in a row! i was definitely mad to mom, nia and dad cause they're pretty annoying. i was so darn tired after college and they were like shouting at me searching for a new bloody small mistakes that i just did since the afternoon :(((((( okaaay, straight to the point...i WAS about to make this VAMPIRE pictures with my own face but i guess it didn't work that much =3= i suck at editing pictures. kak Utit said i look like a celebrity, selebriti2an iya kali XP anyway, i don't look like a celebrity at all. maybe i look much way more prettier here :p hehehhe or maybe way more scarier (i prefer this one) :))) anyway, the hardest part was the eyes, gue rasa editan dibagian mata belum bisa rapih2 sampe sekarang (maklum masih belajar iseng2an) anyway ya this is not me being sok sokan talented at photo shop-ing but its just me making my own face looks like a fvckingshjdfgdjd clown! happy looking guys :D

it all started with editing this picture......
then started to make the second one.. but this one doesn't look scary at all..
then ended with my vampire face >:)))))) sometimes i couldn't look at this picture way too long because i look pretty scary in thus picture right???
that's all for tonight! adiossss :* :* :*
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