Saturday, January 28, 2012


"That awkward moment when yo did nothing wrong and suddenly someone called you PIG and deleted you from BBM" -Nabiya Rizki Meida

true story ya people someone just called me know pig oink oink..exactly! that pig!
jadi begini ceritanya gue kan ada temen ya...gabakal gue sebutin siapa namanya.. yang jelas inisialnya H. si H ini ngajak gue BBMan dari awal match Liverpool v Man Utd dimulai gue sih hayok2 aja... walopun bales lama gara2 nonton.. jadi begini awalnya conversation gue sama tuh manusia fine2 aja.. saling bertukanr pikiran.. tapi lama2 jadi bahaya.. 

H: GOOOLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!
galama kemudian pas KPOP masukin...a.k.a Park ji sung
H: ish... 

disini dia mulai nyolot...
G: hahahaha kalah deh gue...
gue selaw ya kawan2...
H: hahahah BABI sih looooooo!
G: maksud lo ape? selaw dong mas! supporter macam apa sih lo.. kmrn dukung barca besok city hari ini liverpool besok apa lagii?? supporter musiman yee lo...
H: gua ga suka MU! terima aja kalah...
G: gue terima aja MU kalah namanya pertandingan ada kalah dan menangnya... tapi gue gaterima lo ngata2in gue ba...... benci MU ya Mu aja gausah sampe ngata2in gue gitu kali..berpendidikan banget sih kata2 lo...
galama kemudia dia nulis PM...

gatahan sama tingkah lakunya gue bales...
"selaw dong mas! sebenernya lo tuh supperter tim apa sihhh??????"
dia bales lg
gue jwb..
"lunatic supporter just leave it lah,,, i don't wanna be racist and i don't wanna fight..."
galama kemudian dia delete gue dr BBM jadi gue ga sempet bisa capture......

malam idiot..........

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Kenapa banyak fans musiman??? Mari kita tukar pendapat! :D

Haloo semua! belakangan ini gue ng-post blog semua berhubungan dengan tugas2 meribetkan namun seru dari kampus. Jadi spamnya bukan curcol malah spam tugas =D anywaaayyy...hari ini gue mau bahas tentang "fans musiman". gue mengakui bahwa gue adalah "Manchunian". bahasa kasarnya Manchunian adalah, fans2 Manchester United lah. Gue dari dulu benar2 suka sama Manchester United, berawal dari bokap yang suka jejelin gue nonton bola semenjak kecil, lalu gue jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama saat melihat David Beckham main di Manchester United.. namun sayangnya si akang Dapid Bekam pindah..tapi nggak masalah, cinta gue bukan sekedar dari satu pemain aja, gue udah terlanjur jatuh cinta sama Timnnya.. no worry lah ada Beckham nggak ada Beckham..tetep Manchester United di hati.. JADI persoalan gue sebenernya sangat simpel.  belakangan ini gue suka memperhatikan orang2 terutama cewek2 yang suka nonton bola. well, bukannya gue aneh atau gimana, menurut gue wajar cewek suka bola kok, tapi yang ini sukanya beda! sukanya ikut2an doang. mungkin banyak berentet2 alasan kenapa mereka begitu, ada temen gue maksa suka bola karena cowok yang lagi deket sama dia suka bola..jangan deh sampe lo begini, kalo ga suka yauda gausah dipaksa, jadi diri lo aja.

Dilihat dari contacts gue di BBM cewek dominan dukung tim Barcelona. setelah gue pikir2 kalo suka karena banyak juara gamungkin juga, secara Madrid lebih banyak juara, atau Milan..juga lebih banyak Juara di liga Champions di banding Barcelona. kalau karena belakangan ini Barcelona jago gue bisa agree sama pendapat itu, karena memang bener. Kalo cewek nih biasanya suka cari yang ganteng juga ya, nah di Barcelona gue rasa ga banyak yang ganteng, kalo pemain ganteng dominan di.. Madrid atau Chelsea kali ya (menurut gue) kan ada Ronaldo, Kaka, Torres (ganteng2 kan?) dan masih banyak lagiii!!! oke gue punya cerita lucu.. dari temen gue..gue sangat berterimakasih sama temen gue yang satu ini meskipun dia udah mungkin benci setengah mampus sama gue...atau udah gamau liat muka gue lagi gpp.. just so you know, you're one of my biggest least for today...hehehe.. oke mari kita mulaiii.....

Jiwa gue lagi iseng hari ini, kebetulan lagi iseng dan beberapa orang bilang gue sedikit menyebalkan kalo lagi iseng :P jadi gue lagi ngotak2ik hape..liat recent updates di BBM ada banyak banget orang yang ganti DP bbmnya pake foto Barcelona dan statusnya "Barcelona!!" dll... cewek2 juga banyak.. berhubung ntar pagi2 ada Barcelona lawan Madrid makannya pada heboh lah. ada satu cewek..gabakal gue sebut siapa namanya inisialnya R dan dia bukan temen kampus gue kok. dia nulis di Personal Message BBMnya, tulisannya "Barca will win el Clasico" berhubung gue lagi iseng gue greet deh :D

Gue: cieehh pendukung Barcelona..
R: iyaa doongggg
Gue: nonton tar pagi?
R: Insya Allah iya..
Gue: wezehh.. gue mau tanya ni R*****
R: apa be?
Gue: Strikernya Barcelona siapa aja ya? selain Messi deh
R: *jawabnya lama tapi udah di read* Alexis Sanchez, David Villa, Bojan Krkic, Jeffren Suarez, Pedro, dan banyak be..
Gue: kalo kipernya siapa aja?
R: *lagi2 jawabnya lama banget ada kali 30menitan* Victor Valdes, Jordi Masip Lopez, Jose Pinto Colorado, dan banyak lagi be...

sebenernya gue juga gatau pemain2 barcelona lengkap2 amat, paling gue apalnya Messi, Puyol dan semacam itulah secara gue bukan fanatik Barcelona.. akhirnya gue to the point donggg...

Gue: eh.. R*** lo googling ya? hahahahah =D

langsung gue di delcon (delete contact) wkwkwkwk sumpah gue ngakak danmerasa bersalah juga sih.. cuman yaa asal lo2 pada mau tau, gue gaakan ngejek dia kalo dia gatau atau gabisa jawab, gamasalah kali kalo cuman sekdar mau dukung doang, you don't have to try so hard to make someone feel so impressed. just be who you are. or at least tell the truth..

terakhir gue tanya temen gue yang kenal dia apa status dia di PM BBM, statusnya emoticon marah dan ada tulisan "mau bilang gue musiman? silahkan..lo tuh yang cuman sekedar dukung MU!!" gue? sabar aja biar orang yang menilai wkwkwkw...


Always be a first rate version of yourself, instead of a second rate version of somebody else. -JG

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Perfect Chemistry ( a recommended novel to read! ) soft skill

Title: Perfect Chemistry 
Author: Simone Elkeles
Pages: 451
Publisher: Terakota
Year: 2011

Have you guys ever read this book? if you guys haven't then buy it when you have time to visit the book store. Dear all the readers who loves to read.. this novel is super recommended, especially for teenagers. i spent reading this book for 3 or 2 days. it was so much entertaining! Perfect Chemistry is one of the best seller book at GR, my friends told me so. i thought it was a plain teenage love story, but it wasn't at all until i read this book! i was a little skeptical when i read the synopsis of the book.. sometimes a teenager like us usually search for a perfect love story with a perfect handsome man and a pretty woman inside the story, but this one is different, it's about a poor naughty boy that fell in love with a pretty rich girl. those feelings are gone until i read the 1st page! it was greaatttt! i love the language that the Author used, simple and very easy to understand. the distance between each chapter of the book is not too long, i'm a type of person who got bored pretty easy. And in each chapter the Author tells us the story as alternately she put it into two, a chapter for Brittany, and a chapter for Alex and so on. i think that's why i love reading this book!

the difference between their background is what makes the story unique! Alex is a naughty boy who join some kind of "dangerous" gang that never likes Brittany and vice versa. until both of them have to be related to each other because they both have to be a partner in chemistry class. and from that part they get to know each other and fell in love with each other, but somehow they don't want to confess about how the really feel about each other. 

i warn for those people who have an age under 18, do not read this novel :) thank you.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Making Your Own Advertisement (4th soft skill assignment)

This commercial is about a dynamite candy. One sunny day, 4 girls got bored because they didn't have anything to do in their spare time, suddenly one of their friend came and brought a Dynamite candy, because of the Dynamite candy their whole day turns out into fun! our slogan for this commercial is "boring? get Dynamite.." 

big thanks to...
- Genta.. thank you so much for editing this brilliant commercial, without you the commercial would definitely turns out into plain and boring commercial. this is the most brilliant commercial i've ever had in my whole life. once again, thank you!

- Dibba Hadi Saputra... thank you so much for giving us some of your great ideas for this commercial, without you we would definitely still thinking what commercial should we make for this assignment!

-Thaniya Rizki Davia... thank you for holding the camera.. it means a lot to us.

- Diedra Khairunisa...she's one of our commercial artist but still she's one of the most talented camera-girl in our group..thank you for the help dear! you know we really are suck at operating your DSLR :D

Dynamite Commercial created by:
- Ayu Fitriasani
- Diedra Khairunisa 
- Nabiya Rizki Meida
- Poppy Amelia Sevina
- Weni Oktaviana