Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Rezky Pratama

Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you.
Akhirnya Cogan (cowok Ganjen) udah tujuh belas tahun. semoga cepet dapet sim ya biar bisa nyetir kemana-mana terus mobilnya nggak di tahan-tahan lagi sama emak tersayang. hehe. semoga kalo negrjain ujian di sekolah minimal soalnya dibaca nggak langsung celingak-celinguk minta jawaban sama orang. semoga ketawanya nggak semakin semakin lebay. semoga nggak semakin bawel. semoga nggak semakin banyak tanya. semoga makin gendut. semoga cita-citanya tercapai. semoga bisa nikah sama ade gue (yang ini nggak usah di aminin) semoga nggak jadi tukang super ngaret. semoga semoga dan semoga. 

seperti biasa, ritual ngasih surprise ke temen yang ulang tahun itu sudah jadi kayak wajib. bulan Mei ini bulan terborong deh. banyak banget yang ulang tahun, dari Dacil, Gue dan Rezky. Jadi tadi, kita bersama-sama buat surprise kecil-kecilan kerumah Rezky. ada Nia, Gue, Ricky, Dacil, Andrew dan Wildan. satu orang absen, Andre nggak ikut hadir karena asam lambungnya naik, dan dia emang udah sakit dari hari sebelum-sebelumnya., anyway, get well really soon to you ya ndre! hehe. 

yang bikin ngakak adalah, waktu kita buat surprise masuk ke kamarnya rezky...ternyata rezky lagi tidur, dan hebatnya dia tidurnya nggak pake baju, cuman pake celana SMA yang nggak di copot habis pulang sekolah. tapi ya apa boleh buat, yang udah terjadi ya terjadi aja. apa daya kemakan malu tertangkap oleh kamera cogan without his clothes on! hehehe. oh yea! kita juga liat adenya cogan yang super duper imut, Rafky. sayangnya dia agak sedikit takut sama cewek. beda ya sama kakaknya yang mainnya sama cewek terus :p 

mo matter how small was our surprise i hope you will always memorize it inside you heart. 

"may you be gifted with life's biggest joys and never ending bliss. after all, you yourself are a gift to earth, so you deserve the best. Happy Birthday"

we love youuuuuuuuuuuu cogaaan :D 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mom's Bday

"dear my most beautiful role model...
Happy Birthday Mom! i hope that you have felt very special today and know that you are loved. I am so thankful for you, and love all the fun times we have shared together. I love you most."

so here goes the story...

me and Nia had this small plan, to give a small surprise for Mom. We both decided to buy a cake at Harvest, a cheese cake (this turns out as our favorite cake, not Mom. knowing that she doesn't really love eating cake too much like us ;p) trust me, we did this very carefully because we bought this cake a day before Mom's birthday, and there was no other place to put the cake beside the fridge, and there's only one fridge inside the house. the only thing that Me and Nia were scared of, is that this plan might not work at all because mom might find out about this cake before her birthday. but thank God the plan went well. about daddy, i told him about this plan and he kept the secret well. so at night me, nia and mom had this small conversation.

Mom: yah..mama dulu waktu masih muda sering dapet cake dari temen2..
Nia: sekarang udah enggak ya ma?
Mom: yaiyalah siapa yang mau ngasih mama cake..
Me: yah, ni..mestinya kita beli cake ya buat Mama..tapi nggak kepikiran sama sekali..
Nia: yah.. iya ya kak.. kita mah tunggu acaranya aja..
Mom: ah udah ah..gausah kasih mama cake juga nggak apa-apa kok..

after this conversation nia told me that we should probably woke up at 4 o'clock to give the cake for mom. but the plan didn't go well, we were over slept till 6 o'clock. so we went downstairs like super agents on undercover. it didn't go so well because we were too confused about what shall we do, and when is the perfect timing. but we did get through it. and VUALA! 

i'm pretty sure you guys want the cake :p

and we did celebrate mom's birthday at Hanamasa. i wasn't aloud to eat breakfast because she told me that i had to eat like an animal on her small birthday celebration. so i did.....

once again..Happy Birthday mom..:) we love youuuuu!

Monday, May 28, 2012

it all started.....

it all started with a boring short holiday. we had nothing to do. so we made this "sudden plan" where we both decided to watch movie at the cinema, and eat lunch together. it was a normal normal thing to do, got stuck in one place, because we had no idea where else to go, until we ate 2 times in a day. and went all over the mall just to see.....nothing. and yes, we also took some pics. my best best moment was when...(be right back laughing) was when this silly guy wanted to dodol satu ini minta di temenin ke toilet, the movie was about to start. so i gave him a minute to pee. yang gue tau, gue suruh dia ke toilet, buru2 sambil dorong2 Tiffy buat cepet-cepet masuk ke toilet. dan pas dia masuk, pintu toilet tertutup, gue sadar kalau ternyata dia salah masuk toilet. sudah terlihat jelas toilet yang dia masukin jelas-jelas toilet "ladies". seharusnya gue buru-buru ngasih tau dia atau minimal teriak kalo dia salah masuk toilet. tapi karena terlalu bahagia tertawa di atas penderitaan orang gue diemin aja. sampe nggak lama kemudian dia keluar dan ngomel-ngomel karena malu. untung di dalem toilet ladiesnya nggak ada orang sama sekali. i wonder what might happen if the toilet are full of female creatures..those females might probably think, 1.this guy is out of his mind. 2. this guy is a shemale. hahahahahhahahahaah :D JK. anyway. it was a fun moment to see you act..a little stupid. well, more than just a little i guess. and sorry that i fell asleep inside the cinema..the film was great. but  fighting with your sleepy eyes was...hard. hehe. thank you for lending me your shoulder, even tho mine is much more way comfortable than yours. and thank you so so so much sudah menemani bea cantik buat beli cake untuk ulang tahun mama. trust me, it was boriiing, because we had nothing to do, there was no place to visit...but at least i spent the day with you and that's what makes it all worth it. Thank you Mr Tiffony Caesar. your date is happy :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

my birthday

heyho, udah lama nggak buka blog dan buat postingan baru. ntah ada keinginan dari mana hari ini jadi pengen buat postingan baru. walopun sebenernya nggak ada ide. sebenarnya ulang tahunnya udah lama banget. tanggal 7 Mei kemarin akhirnya gue semakin tua. my age has finally turns out into 18!

Just so you know, that i had the most wonderful birthday ever. my closest friends are really super caring, and my college friends.. you guys are the most sweetest thing that will last in my memory :')

first thing first....
woke up with a big smile on my face, seeing so many many many wishes from my friends and family, from bbm, twitter, and facebook. thank you for all the warm and great wishes.

around 7 o'clock i got a call from a friend of mine. Andre. a.k.a Bibir.
A: bee. kebawah deh..
B: ada apa ya?
A: udah kebawah aja..
B: okay, keluar?
A: iya keluar gue pengen ngomong sesuatu sama lo...

so, i was wearing this ugly t-shirt and a short pants. went downstairs to see what really happened.

i got my 1st birthday cake from my bestiieeeeee. Thank you so so much Andre :D 

wishing you guys both have a very successful future :*

and here comes my 2nd birthday surprise...

before i actually went to college Mom told me that i should probably bring another pair of clothes. Mama bilang "nak, kamu nggak bawa baju ganti? nanti kalau diceplokin sama temen-temen kuliah kamu gimana?" and i was like really sure of myself that no one would ever did that to me "nggak mungkin ah, jahat banget kali ya temen-temen aku ngerjain aku pas lagi ngampus.." so, i drove my car without any bad feelings about what would really or might happened on that day. and was happy because i was right. suasana tetep biasa aja, banyak ucapan dari temen-temen. dan belajar seperti biasa. tiba-tiba cau kirim bbm isinya..

C: bey, main kerumah aku yuk? kita nongkrong aja bentar habis pulang kuliah..
trust me, di saat cau kirim bbm itu gue juga nggak ada rasa mau dikerjain sama temen-temen. jadi pulang kampus ke rumah cau, ngobrol seperti biasa juga. nggak lama kemudian Poppy bilang sama gue. "be, temenin gue ke warung sebentar yuk, gue mau beli minuman..." tetep nggak ada perasaan aneh, langsung jawab iya dan pergi ke warung. habis itu pas balik kerumah, sempet duduk dulu sih, gak lama kemudian temen-temen dateng bawain Kue super lezat :") makasih sayang-sayangku. it was a touchy moment where i couldn't describe how happy i am. 

this is the moment where i couldn't stop smiling :D

and i also got a birthday gift from Mr Caesar :D he said if i were a cat i might look like garfield. 100% true :D

this is what happened next....they definitely turned me into a cake with flours and eggs. 

once again..thank you so mucho guys :) thank you....